Be standard, migrate every year, use the best of Odoo - the latest version. Read more >
Falinwa expertise: you are expert of your business, we are expert to understand your business and translate your needs into Odoo generic solutions. Not convinced, just discuss with our customers.Read more >
Falinwa team: local & global in France, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Japan. Get the best of every places in terms of expertise and costing.Read more >
Odoo 2023 2024 亚太区最佳合作伙伴
Falinwa : a multinational company
Falinwa is a multinational company that operates around the world, comprising of teams in France, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, and Japan. The projects are carried out 100% standard - Odoo standard as a priority, with the support of Cluedoo roadmap, without any technical debt. Everything is done in-house, making communication seamless with our clients and putting them at the forefront of our operations.

Falinwa: an international company
法林瓦是一家全球领先的跨国公司,团队遍布法国、中国、印度尼西亚、越南、新加坡和日本。我们以100%标准化的方式开展项目——优先采用Odoo标准功能,Cluedoo现成模块方案作为补充(500+ Odoo模块),确保零技术债务。所有工作均在集团内部完成,与客户的沟通无缝,客户始终处于我们运营的核心位置。

Innovative, customized solutions for your business problems
Find out more about our offices and how we can help your business.